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Friday, December 16, 2011

Classic Toy Room – TRON LEGACY: BLACK GUARD action figure review

Classic Toy Room (from Classic Game Room) reviews the TRON LEGACY: BLACK GUARD action figure from the Disney film, Tron Legacy. Manufactured by Spin Master LTD., the Black Guard action figure is roughly the same size as a normal GI Joe or Star Wars figure and has similar articulation points. It lights up when you push a button in his back for the cool “Tron” style and comes with a stand and some accessories. This CGR video review of the Tron Black Guard action figure toy has video footage of a Tron toy review featuring the Black Guard action figure from Tron Legacy in HD.

How to paint Death Guard Chaos Space Marine by Lester Bursley Script: 1. Model Air OLIVE DRAB is airbrushed on to the whole model. 2. Game Color PLAGUE BROWN is then sprayed at a downward 45 degree angle to highlight the top and vertical surfaces that light from above would hit. 3. Game Color DEAD FLESH is sprayed from directly above the miniature for the brightest highlight. 4. Before the wash is applied, Game Color GLOSS VARNISH is sprayed on the entire model for two reasons; to protect the airbrush work done so far, and to create a barrier for the wash cleanup with alcohol. 5. After a couple coats of GLOSS VARNISH are allowed to completely dry, my wash recipe of BABY POOP is sprayed on to the entire model. 6. Using IISOPROPYL ALCOHOL and a sponge makeup applicator, I remove the dried wash from the surface while trying to leave it in the deep detail areas. 7. Game Color PLAGUE BROWN is applied to the fly icon on the right shoulder pad as well as the skulls on the left shoulder pad. 8. Reaper Master Series color GHOUL SKIN is applied to all the flesh on the face. 9. For the first highlight Master Series MOLDY SKIN is applied to all but the deepest recesses. 10. The final highlight is achieved with Master Series paint BLOODLESS SKIN. Apply this to the areas of interest that you want to bring out and think of the areas that would be hit directly by light directly above the model. 11. Vallejo Model Air color ALUMINIUM was the color chosen for all the silver pieces. 12. Game

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