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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rappelz Epic 7 part 3 [KTS] Crusader Skill tree: Tank path (Part 1)

Special thanks to SweetySB for letting me test out the skills of the crusader (Knight’s master class). This skill tree path is Beastly.. Mostly this skill pathing is for extreme tanking and nothing more. All the skills and passives are mostly on holding agro and to tank mobs and I must say I am very impressed with this skill path. I doubt a crusader can die easily. With the recent PvP nerf (Subject to change) I doubt anyone can kill a Crusader easily, hell even if 10 people jumped one they would take some beating up Enjoy part 1 of the Crusaders skill tree and yes the other videos are coming. -Kwonaiden
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here you go the 2nd last master class skill tree on the Fiend. Did I ever tell you guys Warlock is in my top favs in classes to play :D ! Anyways, This tree seems to have one of them “Ping pong” skills but this one is different. The more target it bounces from the stronger the attacks will grow!. Oh and NOW I see why they implemented Auto chips, I cannot believe that finally Rappelz has Tag mobbing to level hahahhahaha. For those not familiar with this term basically AoE farming and if you STILL dont understand that term than learn to become a better gamer! I guess all the magic classes with AoE Skills are gonna have some kinda fun whilst leveling without worrying about chipping ever. Now um negative points..I have a few and I bet you guys too Corpse drain? really? why gives Fiends that skill when it doesnt even give you that much back and “Magic chain reaction”? Do Warlocks really need the Wisdom? O_o, wouldnt it be great if it was Int ? I guess Corpse mine is decent now with Auto chip but makes me wonder one question. Is Auto chips going to be an ingame thing or CS? Knowing them it prolly is a CS item ;o!!! Anyways 1 to go ^_____^ Sadly my reporting will be over so I can give you guys a break from my videos Thankyou to all that subbed me, as I said so before I appreciate people taking an interest on my small youtube and that you all inspire me to make videos as best a quality as I can with ofcourse a hint of innovation and Editing. All the Sounds, landscapes have been

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