Rappelz bot latest version

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rappelz Farmbot Tested **2010**

Download: www.multiupload.com Funktionen: * Ziele anvisieren * Angreifen * Chippen * Looten * Heilen bekannte Bugs … * der Bot stoppt nicht, wenn man den “Stop”-Button drückt – Bot-Programm muss beendet werden How to … * das Spiel muss in einer Auflösung von 1280x 768 Pixeln im Fenstermodus laufen * Bot-Programm starten (als Administrator) und auf “Systemcheck” klicken (Rappelz darf nicht minimiert sein) * kurzen Moment warten bis sich Rappelz verschoben hat * in ein geeignetes Gebiet laufen * “Start”-Button drücken * Maus etwa mittig vom Spielfenster positionieren (nur wichtig für den Fall, dass die Kamera aufgrund fehlender Mobs gedreht werden muss) Tastenbelegung … * zur Zeit zwingend vorgeschrieben, da noch nicht selbst festlegbar * Taste 1: Looten * Taste 2: Angreifen (wer will “Gemeinsam mit der Kreatur angreifen”) * Taste 3: Chips * Taste 6: Heilzauber oder ähnliches * Taste 7: Heiltrank oder ähnliches Bemerkungen: Aufgrund der noch nicht eingearbeiteten eigenen Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten sei euch gesagt, dass Taste 6 bei etwa 50% HP ausgelöst wird und Taste 7 bei etwa 75% HP.

Part1: www.youtube.com Part2: www.youtube.com Part3: www.youtube.com Part4: www.youtube.com

farmbot rappelzrappelz bestienmeister

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free gPotatos

Hier zeige ich euch wie ihr kostenlos an gPotatos kommt!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

rappelz X-bot

Video Rating: 1 / 5

This is video for people that want to see more about Rappelz. It shows farming, one of the most important aspect of Rappelz.

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Lakers guard Kobe Bryant shooting before Game 2 of Mavericks game

Lakers guard Kobe Bryant shooting before Game 2 of Mavericks game
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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2009: Michigan-63 Delaware State-6

Game played on October 17, 2009 in Ann Arbor. 2009 Michigan Wolverine Starting Lineups – OFFENSE: WR/Split end – Greg Matthews WR/Split end – Darryl Stonum Left Tackle – Mark Ortmann Left Guard – Steven Schilling Center – David Moosman Center – David Molk Right Guard – Mark Huyge Right Guard – David Moosman Right Guard – Patrick Omamaeh Right Tackle – Perry Dorrestein Right Tackle – Mark Huyge Tight End – Kevin Koger Tight End – Martell Webb Wide Receiver – Martavious Odoms Wide Reciever – Richard Roundtree Quarterback – Tate Forcier Fullback – Kevin Grady Tailback – Carlos Brown Tailback – Brandon Minor Tailback – Michael Shaw Wide Receiver – Junior Hemingway Wide Receiver – Darryl Stonum DEFENSE: Defensive End – Brandon Graham Defensive Tackle – Mike Martin Defensive Tackle – Stevie Brown (1) Nose Tackle – Ryan Van Bergen OLB – Craig Roh MLB – Obi Ebeh MLB – Kevin Leach WLB – Jonas Mouton SLBL – Stevie Brown Left Cornerback – Donavan Warren Strong Safety – Jordan Kovacs Strong Safety – Troy Woolfolk Free Safety – Mike Williams Free Safety – Troy Woolfolk Right Cornerback – Troy Woolfolk Right Cornerback – JT Floyd
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Rappelz Epic 7 part 3 [KTS] Crusader Skill tree: Tank path (Part 1)

Special thanks to SweetySB for letting me test out the skills of the crusader (Knight’s master class). This skill tree path is Beastly.. Mostly this skill pathing is for extreme tanking and nothing more. All the skills and passives are mostly on holding agro and to tank mobs and I must say I am very impressed with this skill path. I doubt a crusader can die easily. With the recent PvP nerf (Subject to change) I doubt anyone can kill a Crusader easily, hell even if 10 people jumped one they would take some beating up Enjoy part 1 of the Crusaders skill tree and yes the other videos are coming. -Kwonaiden
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here you go the 2nd last master class skill tree on the Fiend. Did I ever tell you guys Warlock is in my top favs in classes to play :D ! Anyways, This tree seems to have one of them “Ping pong” skills but this one is different. The more target it bounces from the stronger the attacks will grow!. Oh and NOW I see why they implemented Auto chips, I cannot believe that finally Rappelz has Tag mobbing to level hahahhahaha. For those not familiar with this term basically AoE farming and if you STILL dont understand that term than learn to become a better gamer! I guess all the magic classes with AoE Skills are gonna have some kinda fun whilst leveling without worrying about chipping ever. Now um negative points..I have a few and I bet you guys too Corpse drain? really? why gives Fiends that skill when it doesnt even give you that much back and “Magic chain reaction”? Do Warlocks really need the Wisdom? O_o, wouldnt it be great if it was Int ? I guess Corpse mine is decent now with Auto chip but makes me wonder one question. Is Auto chips going to be an ingame thing or CS? Knowing them it prolly is a CS item ;o!!! Anyways 1 to go ^_____^ Sadly my reporting will be over so I can give you guys a break from my videos Thankyou to all that subbed me, as I said so before I appreciate people taking an interest on my small youtube and that you all inspire me to make videos as best a quality as I can with ofcourse a hint of innovation and Editing. All the Sounds, landscapes have been

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Rappelz Auto Farm Bot New 2010

Se Logiciel Pr Farmer Auto Sans Clavier Sans La sourie ……go dormir est laisser vos perso farm XD NB : Faux Installer Net Framework V2 Pr Qu il Marche Link:: www.mediafire.com www.multiupload.com
Video Rating: 1 / 5

Rappelz ..Lydian server messing with a bot named Qusanny

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Rappelz siege LM1 13-11-2010 part3 BOTS vs FallenGods

Part1: www.youtube.com Part2: www.youtube.com Part3: www.youtube.com Part4: www.youtube.com

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rappelz Hack From ViPhacks.com

Download: uploaded.to
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Bot Rappelz For Epic 6

-tested on epic 6 and it works www.mediafire.com www.multiupload.com
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Private server Rappelz Ita Hack

Gameplay video del server test di www.italiahack.com Gameplay video of the test server of www.italiahack.com

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Rappelz Epic 7 Part 3 [KTS]: Master Breeder (Maestro) Skill Tree: Healing/Pet Path (Part 1)

Here you go! To all you Soul breeders out there the first instalment of the Master breeders Skill tree, On the Korean test server they call this class “Maestros” ¬.¬;; errr.. yea.. I’ll stick to calling you all master breeders I’m pretty sure the SB class has a big player based interest within the Rappelz community. However I dunno if you should be pleased to see your skill tree or not. Whilst I looked into this class skills and descriptions I dont know why but I felt that they kind of got cheated somewhat hahaha D:! But maybe it’s just me, maybe you will love their new skills. This is the first tree, the second and 3rd tree is “interesting”. I wont ruin it for you guysso you just have to wait for the following tree’s to come and decide for yourself which route you will take in the next update. Have fun all. PS Thank you to those that follow each of the class videos and reply to the questions that are asked. I check comments here and there but not all the time so don’t feel that I am ignoring you unless the comment is retarded enough.

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como reverter rev do game guard

Como reverter REV do gameguard credito:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

They Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll www.youtube.com SATAN LIES PART 1 – BRINGING IN THE ANTI-CHRIST – DMX, ROBIN THICKE, EMINEM, JAY Z, www.youtube.com India Miracle Trip – June 17-July 1, 2011 www.youtube.com Exorcism Of A Man www.youtube.com Bollywood Xposed Episode 1 www.youtube.com Teaching: THE FEAR OF THE LORD by Mildred Rescar www.youtube.com A Message from The LORD Himself click below www.youtube.com But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death Revelation 21:8 Another painful punishment of unbelievers will be getting dragged on their faces into Hell. God says:”Indeed, the criminals are in error and madness “Taste ye then – for ye forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours, and We too will forget you – taste ye the Penalty of Eternity for your (evil) deeds!” “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8 JESUS SAVES www.youtube.com Ask yourself what are you doing in this time of Great Challenge ? what are you doing to unlock minds ? when you die what will you have done to get into heaven ? Jes-US.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Rappelz Epic 7 Part 3 [KTS]: I Want to be a Necromancer! (Masterclass Trials)

here you go final steps to go and I will become a master class along side with my fellow guildies, it was a painful first couple of days with various factors that affected the progress of our ascendance but we are nearly there. Before you can do the trials to become master class you first must complete the Ultimate witch quest line. (So those that have not started yet better start so now.) The trials are random when you enter the cube’s dimension so you can either get very very easy ones or some that would actually make you go “WTF?!”. Be sure to have some friends to help when that time comes. Also it would be a great idea to invest in movement speed gear because you will need them for the time limit run around trials. Seeya all soon and i hope you enjoy this installment. ^____^
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Rappelz siege LM1 13-11-2010 part4 BOTS vs FallenGods

Part1: www.youtube.com Part2: www.youtube.com Part3: www.youtube.com Part4: www.youtube.com

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

*********PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION************* I thought I would make this video just because..well..um (lol) I wanted to see how fast it would really take to hit 150 on KTS. (Korean Test Server) It took me 5 days in total to power level and it was really fun. Here are the areas I went to farm during my stay. I skipped the early 50 levels because they were pretty simple. [This is made when the KTS did not sell Stamina savers at all so you have to work for them from events and also this is made before the witch quest and exp boost in dungeons patch which makes leveling faster and easier today in dungeons then field grinding] Thank you to all that helped Ervid towards the speedy goal which includes, MuttsBS, ShinamoriAoshi, Pleiax, Ladyblack and Mlacko or all this wasnt possible. -Kwonaiden
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Rappelz US-Fenrir: messing with a bot

ASSASSIN209 shouted for others to come and see the bot so I came (with only 1 other person 0.o) and recorded it. Enjoy :)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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rappelz private serverRappelz Private Server

*NEW DOWNLOAD* www.ageofrappelz.com *EDIT* due to people disliking the video i will release the info of the server NOW! Website Link: www.rappelz.biz *READ* |100 subs then i will release the server link!!! | and the updated launcher | *not on the website* *NOTE* DO NOT POST ANY MORE VIDEOS OF THIS SERVER ON YOUTUBE BECAUSE THE SERVER WILL BE TAKEN DOWN!!! *DISCLAIMER* this game is property of GPotato
Video Rating: 3 / 5

rappelz private server

I did not create these files. Credits to the devs who got this thing up and running. I’m just making this video to hopefully help some people who keep asking the same questions over and over. Default login is: admin admin Download MS SQL 32 bit www.microsoft.com 64 bit www.microsoft.com

Download: Rappelz bot.zip

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Kobe Bryant vs Michael Jordan The Best vs The Best

Kobe Bryant – Bryant is a shooting guard who is capable of playing the small forward position on some occasions. He is considered one of the most complete players in the NBA, and has been elected to every All-NBA Team from 1999 till last year, has been and featured in the last ten NBA All-Star games. He is a prolific scorer, averaging 25.0 points per game for his career, along with 4.6 assists, 5.3 rebounds, and 1.5 steals per game. He is known for his ability to create shots for himself, and is an adept outside shooter, sharing the single-game NBA record for three pointers made with twelve. He has exceptional ballhandling skills and utilizes his speed and athletic ability to allude defenders to finish at the basket. Aside from this, he is also a standout defender having made the All-Defensive 1st or 2nd Team 8 of the last 9 seasons. Michael Jordan – Jordan was a shooting guard who was also capable of playing small forward (the position he would primarily play during his second comeback with the Washington Wizards). Jordan was known throughout his career for being a strong clutch performer. He decided numerous games with last-second plays (eg, The Shot) and performed at a high level even under adverse circumstances (eg, Flu Game). His competitiveness was visible in his prolific trash-talk[81] and well-known work ethic. Jordan had a versatile offensive game. He was capable of aggressively slashing to the basket and drawing fouls from his opponents at a high rate; his 8772
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

6’3 Avery Bradley Official Hoopmixtape; Guard With Bounce.

Here is Texas bound Avery Bradley doing his thing at the Reebok Summer Championship, McDonald’s All American Game, and Reebok All American Camp. Avery emerged his senior year as one of the top prospects in his class by improving his game. Considered also as the best on ball defender in his class.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Rappelz – The Tale You Were In

This video is made up of trailers for Rappelz. The song is The Tale You Were In, which is the opening theme of .hack//Liminality 3, and was performed by See-Saw.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Rappelz: Meet with bots

I just found this mobs in the training island. And, i got a lot of event items :P

For US VERSION OF RAPPELZ ONLY!Watch video or read summary Download: www.mediafire.com Summary: This blocks gameguard from injecting into rappelz enabling you to safely use bots and also to multiaccount, meaning start two instances of rappelz so you can trade between them Instructions: 1. Download: www.mediafire.com 2. Extract to a convenient place 3. Run GGblock.exe then start rappelz , this must be repeated everytime you wish to start without gameguard. 4. Enjoy.

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Rappelz Epic 7 Part 3 [KTS]: Necromancer skill tree: Melee Path. (Final part)

Hey all, Now this video was something I dreaded to show all you Dirk Battlesummoners out there, there are a few abilities that I like such as the passives but..um..yeaaa.. Sad to say I’m not that impressed with this melee path and there is this one skill that bothers me alot which is translated as “Mana Extreme”. When I first used it I was like “Lol? really wtf is this crap??” A rappelz version of a lame “Asura” strike?? (Inside joke to those whoever played Ragnarok online) Here is the final skill tree for the necromancer :x As for other class videos, you must give me some time on them, however there are so much various info from alot of other players that play along side me on the KTS that it isnt hard to find. (I think?) I will make these videos as fast as I can but I am very fussy about detail on skills and their translations. I want to be as accurate and informative in all the class videos to give you all a great insight to all the skills. ^___^ -Kwonaiden

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Mr.hackerperson HD: Rappelz hack

doing some special effects to make it seem like im teleporting.
Video Rating: 2 / 5

Link: www.mediafire.com www.multiupload.com
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Rappelz: Raising the Cerberus

Tamed a cerb after 5 tries! This is us lvling it and having some fun. Music: Nellie McKay- “The Dog Song” live from TED. www.youtube.com I highly recommend you check out more from both Nellie and TED.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

2011 إختراق أمل الشعوب برنامج rappelz hack 2.4.avi

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Rappelz Bot

This was way back in Epic 3, I think. Bots were roaming the land, and they always logoff when we tried to kill them. And if we buffed or healed them instead………..
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Rappelz Rupee Hack

Rappelz Rupee Hack/Generator The very first rappelz rupee generator. You can generate up to 20m rupees per day ! Login now at www.rappelz-rupeehack.tk Login now at www.rappelz-rupeehack.tk Login now at www.rappelz-rupeehack.tk Login now at www.rappelz-rupeehack.tk Try it now ! And see for yourself ! Only few are able to know that this kind of stuff is accessible over the internet for free ! Don’t buy rupees for rupee seller ! This is the kind of program they are using. Try it now !
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Free MMO Games – Rappelz MMO Game Reviewed by MMOLife.tv

Like the trailer? Check out the full review and sign up for your free account at: mmohub.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5

We r killing abhuva,a lvl 50 boss, in the dungeon moon1 from rappelz. The actual time of the video was 18 Min. Id: MinosGB (Tortus server) mowar.tk mowar@hotmail.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Rappelz Epic 7 part 3 [KTS]: Slayer Skill tree: Offensive Path (final Part)

Here you go the final part for the slayers skill tree that I think is the one alot of assassins are waiting on for the translation. :) I must say this is the best tree for all assassins. Assassin Storm impact makes your attack really really insane since you will hit twice 100% of the time. One skill that puzzled me alot is the first purple skill with the guy (Believe me this is the skill alot of people have been dying to find out what it is on the KTS). Whilst translating this I had some issues with the text and the translated result only revealed half of what I needed to know but the “Tortion of rage” part gave me a big lead in what this skill was. What puzzled me was the fact that Devs gave Slayers an agro skill that pulls all mobs around them O__o;. I had to see and test for myself to verify this and low and behold it is how the name is. Hmm..I guess a sin could save lives with this skill if used properly like pulling mobs away from friendly targets whilst leading hard mode or some hazardous areas. I am happy to say that I have only THREE classes to go OMMMMMGGGG!!!!! And this is the order they will be completed so stop hassling me on doing which one first and so on. Seems I cannot please everyone if I do one first another will be complaining, so here is the final 3 order on the remaining classes: 1. Shadow Hunter 2. Battle Kahuna and saving the best to last! (Think of it that way!) 3. Warlock! Thank you all for being patient! This has been by far my most exhausting
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Friday, December 16, 2011

rappelz farming bot (report)

rappelz farming bot (report)
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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hacker rappelz, hacker des gpotatos (Rappelz)

Astuce comment avoir des gpotatos, Hacker des gpotatos , hacker rappelz, cheat rappelz
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Classic Toy Room – TRON LEGACY: BLACK GUARD action figure review

Classic Toy Room (from Classic Game Room) reviews the TRON LEGACY: BLACK GUARD action figure from the Disney film, Tron Legacy. Manufactured by Spin Master LTD., the Black Guard action figure is roughly the same size as a normal GI Joe or Star Wars figure and has similar articulation points. It lights up when you push a button in his back for the cool “Tron” style and comes with a stand and some accessories. This CGR video review of the Tron Black Guard action figure toy has video footage of a Tron toy review featuring the Black Guard action figure from Tron Legacy in HD.

How to paint Death Guard Chaos Space Marine by Lester Bursley Script: 1. Model Air OLIVE DRAB is airbrushed on to the whole model. 2. Game Color PLAGUE BROWN is then sprayed at a downward 45 degree angle to highlight the top and vertical surfaces that light from above would hit. 3. Game Color DEAD FLESH is sprayed from directly above the miniature for the brightest highlight. 4. Before the wash is applied, Game Color GLOSS VARNISH is sprayed on the entire model for two reasons; to protect the airbrush work done so far, and to create a barrier for the wash cleanup with alcohol. 5. After a couple coats of GLOSS VARNISH are allowed to completely dry, my wash recipe of BABY POOP is sprayed on to the entire model. 6. Using IISOPROPYL ALCOHOL and a sponge makeup applicator, I remove the dried wash from the surface while trying to leave it in the deep detail areas. 7. Game Color PLAGUE BROWN is applied to the fly icon on the right shoulder pad as well as the skulls on the left shoulder pad. 8. Reaper Master Series color GHOUL SKIN is applied to all the flesh on the face. 9. For the first highlight Master Series MOLDY SKIN is applied to all but the deepest recesses. 10. The final highlight is achieved with Master Series paint BLOODLESS SKIN. Apply this to the areas of interest that you want to bring out and think of the areas that would be hit directly by light directly above the model. 11. Vallejo Model Air color ALUMINIUM was the color chosen for all the silver pieces. 12. Game

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Rappelz: Speed Hacks

*****hahaha, yeah no such thing, just a buff from the gms in game**** Rappelz event on the tortus server, winner got a extreme buff for the event they called it the touch from a god.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

It’s my own hack that I made when Rappelz changed to GameGuard from HackShield. I bypassed it, searched memory addresses and made this hack. and this is first REAL hack for Rappelz, there’s only scammers and liers, don’t believe them! Leave comment and enjoy.
Video Rating: 1 / 5

rappelz buff hackrappelz speed hack

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Video Game Flaws: Oblivion (Live Action Parody)

www.youtube.com Click above to watch Super Mario Drive Thru Taco Bell (Live Action) Video Game Flaws: Oblivion (Live Action Parody) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is quite possibly one of the greatest RPGs on the market for PS3 and Xbox 360. However it’s not without its share of flaws. Watch as we show you some interesting perspectives on a number of in game annoyances as well as some very beneficial glitches. Directors Channel: www.youtube.com – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Video Game Flaws Bethesda Game Studios video game flaws elder scrolls iv oblivion gate parody spoof guard nord elf goblin number 1 fan 4 medieval fantasy bug glitch magic spells sword fight farmville shopkeeper song special effects real life funny rpg The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Bethesda Game Studios Softworks UPC 710425390135 MPN 710425298400 yt:quality=high
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here you can see the Volume One Video Clip, Wrist Trap to Omoplata 1, for our dynamic new Gi series featuring Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu dynamo Robson Moura. World Martial Arts brings you the next evolution of the grappling game with Fusion, Modern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This new 6 volume set stars 7 time World Champion Robson Moura and contains some of the craziest submissions, guard passes, sweeps and strategies you will see in a long time. Robson’s game is amazing to say the least, from his famous Cross Guard to his unorthodox method to attacking the back, Fusion shows it all. Not just a collection of moves, Robson really takes you into his unique game, unlocking many details, strategies and unseen concepts that make his techniques work so well. This is Robson Moura’s first instructional series and, with over 100 new techniques and strategies, “Fusion” has been one of the most highly anticipated DVD sets in years!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

oblivion parody game onlinerappelz ovlibion

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Game of Death: Integral – Billy Lo VS Guard #2

Here is the second fight from the finale of Game of Death: Integral. Once again, this cut of the fight uses more footage than the regular ’78 version, yet the other two characters, originally played by James Tien and Chieh Yuan, are still taken out.

Here is Arizona Commit Nick Johnson doing his thing with the Oakland Soldier this Summer. Nick will be attending Findlay Prep for his senior campaign.

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Rappelz Epic 7 part 3 [KTS]: Master Class trials

Thanks to the german players for showing me around the new quest line for the master class. This area is only accessable after you defeat Lucien in the Ultimate witch quest. Once you completed this Hero hector will teleport you to the new area for the Master class quests. so far this is what I can show you of this place sorry, They are also trying to figure out these quests but basically been running around for a while in the different rooms doing the same things. I will prolly be doing the quest tomorrow, we had alot of problems getting the others on on Day 1 so I had to sit back for a day to tame and help the guildies. How to see you guys soon with better videos, there have been alot of great changes where I will show very soon. Have fun for now

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Rappelz Epic7 Part 3 [KTS] Beast Master (Nachal) Skill tree: Offensive Path (Part 2)

Hey all!, so I bring to you now the second instalment of the Beast master Skill tree and I have to comment that this is one of them amazing skill tree’s I’ve seen. Here is the first video demonstration on passive self buff stacking that I have mentioned in other videos but never actually really demonstrated to you. So here you go, this is how stat stacking look like. Now beast masters really lived up to their given name “beast” because they really are frikken beast among the Pet classes! The stacking effect can go up to 1000 p.attack and you can activate “ferocious beast” to get another 2000 p.attack so total up to 3k p.attack and that is not even including paragon of anger and Anger of the wild O____o For this video I am using +5 D2 axes ¬.¬;; and no chips on our trusty friend the dummy. To conclude I have but only 1 rant about these Stackable self buffs especially on a beast master… On the live server your buff bars goes through the roof if you are fully buffed so how the hell are you able to tell when to activate “Ferocious beast”?? I mean I dont have a problem with it since I play with very high resolution so I can just open up my status menu and check from there but for people who use smaller res it can really block alot of your visuals off :x Enjoy! 3rd part will come tomorrow sometime and then I will announce the next master class to be done Dum ..dum.. dum… -Kwonaiden
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Here is the second instalment for the Champion masterclass Berserker, Pretty much this is attack skills tree with an unsual buff called Hex of Darkness and Light. It took a bit for me to translates both the first and second skill from this tree because alot of the words translated turned into some wierd moshed up korean words. I proceeded to look at every skill in the tree to match the first passive of “Berserker Essence”. When I finally matched the two skills it turned out to be a cool down passive for “Barbarian rage” and “Essence of Thunder” The passive gives a chance to reduce cooldown of tehse skills when attacking a mob Now the other skill “Hex of darkness and light” is pretty fun to play around with. On the description it mentions no monsters so this cast reduction is for players only (maybe?) but you still get the Attack speed stack. Pretty much everything else in this tree is what you have on the main and seems like a Dual axe wielding tree :X Hmm I wonder what all you champs are thinking right now, I hope I’m not a bearer of bad news. Final tree will come soon and then ofcourse I will announce my next tree. It may not be a gaia since I have a few classes yet to be done that dont need rebirthing ;) Have fun

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YouTube Flyff Rappelz hack.flv

Download Link-fileml.com
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Video Rating: 1 / 5

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Rappelz Epic 7 part 2 [KTS] Boss cards for belts (Art and effects) [Part 1/3]

*****Credit goes to DrDankness slash1228 bigbrainbrad and kaunalapsi for compiling the sources and translations *** This project cost me over 300mil to gather all these cards so I’m broke now! But this maybe a once in a chance opportunity to show case the cards and some of the effects because they may remove all the cards next wipe. My stay on the KTS is coming to a close it seems but if there are areas in which you guys would wish me to look at free feel to leave a comment or email me. Its been a fun and pain staking adventure for me this time round on the KTS. I have to say thanks to all the people that helped me along the way in this epic. (Pretty much the German players were very nice and enthusiatic on help me on a few videos, Danke!) I will play on alittle to have some fun and may capture more interesting things I stumble upon Saying hi to all the servers out there and enjoy the updates to come when they come. -Kwonaiden
Video Rating: 4 / 5

kwon: ~4.9k mattack angel: ~4.5k mattack kenta: ~4.1k pattack meg: ~5k pattack. damage in pvp? : -9001. so i DID set everything to 1.2x speed, megs total kill time was 3:30 and kwon was around 1:30….. also the sh has cleric buffs at first, which wear off after the duel with omega, hence the lower amount of hp vs kwon :D
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Rappelz teleport 2010

??????????? ? Rappelz : www.multiupload.com

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rappelz Newbie Island Hack?

www.facebook.com Something very odd is happening on Naga Servers Newbie Island. It goes on around the clock 24/7. What could it be?

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Rappelz Bot V5.6

www.mediafire.com www.multiupload.com

rappelz bot v5 6 downloadRappelz V5Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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pvp rappelz montage 7X SB

Sry the first battle is vs DarkOrfeo R5 Assassin and his sala

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Rappelz Rupee Farmers (Bots)

Took this video to show the amount of rupee spammers/Bot famers online! No wonder the server is constantly lagging!
Video Rating: 2 / 5

Free download rappelz bot Link download: sharecash.org

bot rupees rappelzrappelz cheat serveur rupyrappelz rupees generator how -login

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Rappelz Fenrir sever Siege LM1 FallenGdos vs Bots

This was a short siege and I missed all the action because I put myself on the defence party. Anywais, I had some fun at the beggining and I was able to try out my new skill cards (+4 most). Thanks for fight Bots ally and thanks to all the FallenGods for a great defence of Lm1 :)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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bot raping

stupid anti bots disurved to get raped… get me more and i will rape themxD waste of time and yea i/we was boredxD
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Imperial Guard Song

Link to the mp3: files.filefront.com Thanks to googles333 for putting this up. By the way… – Stop telling me to get the skeleton key, I needed a pick to break for the video and the skeleton key would have been no good for that, yeah? – The reason I have loads of lockpicks is because of an item race between me and a friend (don’t ask) – Yeah we know it sounds like ‘blah’ or whatever. Now that we’ve cleared that up, stop posting it. – This was edited on Windows Movie Maker – Despite what you may believe, this didn’t take that long. Another addition to the many funny videos about the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion – getting arrested to the beat by the Imperial Guards.

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